When I tell people that I sue terrorists the questions I hear usually include: who do you sue? Do you ever get paid? Do you worry about your safety? How on earth did you end up in that line of work?
I sought to address some of these questions in a webinar I taught for the National Academy of Continuing Legal Education a few weeks ago. It’s called Terrorism on Trial: An Overview of Anti-Terrorism Litigation in Federal Courts. Distilling this complex area of law into 75 minutes was a fun challenge (even though I barely scratched the surface).
I am grateful to love what I do for a living and was honored to present to an audience of lawyers who wanted to know more about this little-known area of the law. If you’re interested in learning about it or just need to fulfill your CLE reqs, you can sign up for the recorded webinar here.
INT3200 - Terrorism On Trial: An Overview of Anti-Terrorism Litigation in Federal Courts